Our country was born in 1971 after we had a nine-month-long war with Pakistan...

Rekha, 50, and her daughters Mou (pron. Mo), 22, and Nishi, 26, are from Chittagong, a port city in Bangladesh.
"Is that near Dhaka? (the capital)," I asked. .
"You know where the Bay of Bengal is?" asked Mou. .
I nodded like I did (a tad embarrassed to admit I kinda didn't). .
"It's like right beside that." .
"Is there anything you'd like people to know about Bangladesh?" I said. .
"Our country was born in 1971 after we had a nine-month-long war with Pakistan to establish Bengali as the mother language." .
Mou is a GSU student who's been living in Georgia since 2011 with her mom, and Nishi is visiting for four months. They had actually visited before back in 2006, and like it very much, except for whenever someone treats her poorly because she's Muslim.
"They feel I'm some kind of threat for them, and that's really upsetting." .